Monday, December 14, 2009


Before I forget, I gotta write this for posterity. On Saturday, we had our ward Christmas party. Since we've been here, its always been a breakfast but that's not really important. We were sitting waiting for it to start, surrounded by people at our and surrounding tables. Unconcerned, Christian picked his nose and was about to get a little extra protein in his diet when Dennis caught him and wiped it on a napkin. Christian, aghast at the injustice of being deprived of a tasty treat loudly declared "No, me lo-o-o-ve boogers"! It was totally classic moment.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fond Hearts

You know what they say about absence...your heart has been longing for this post, right? Or maybe absence just makes you lose interest, altogether. Whatever, its been so long and so much has happened that it will take me forever to catch up. To increase the possibility of disinterest, I have no pictures handy to upload. Oh well. We're cute, have no doubt. Well, at least three of are. The other one is perpetually in baggy clothes covered with smeared food and snot all topped off with frizzy hair and I'm not talkin' about Jack here. Anyway, our kitchen is 99.9% done (pics to come). Christian started school. Christian, Jack and, I think, I had swine flu. In general, it wasn't quite the devastating experience I thought it would be. I was underwhelmed by its patheticness. I would rather have swine flu than the kind of sick where stuff is coming out of both ends (sometimes simultaneously) any day! Sorry to gross you out, but the grossed out deserve company. Thanks for joining my party! All this has one exception-the cough. It was tenacious and lasted F-O-R-E-V-E-R. I think just in the past four or five days has the coughs finally subsided. Christian got sick Halloween day. That helps you understand how long that darn cough lasted. Here's hoping I have reformed and will get better at consistently writing. Don't hold your breath, though.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Watching the Children and the Garden Grow

Ahh, the heady ambrosia of summer. I just love it! I love how Christian smells like little boy sweat every day even when he has had a bath. I love that we can all go around shoeless. I love that every day holds the prospect of adventure (rarely realized thanks to Jack, but still...). I realized that Christian's summer will be over in three weeks so I decided that at the very certain expense of a filthy home we have to enjoy the last few days of summer. The dinosaur museum was supposed to be 2 bucks today so I thought we'd try it. Well, I should have known that every other thrifty Mormon mommy had the same idea. It's Utah, sheesh! The line wound all around the building. I decided thrifty possibly bordered on stupid so we went to the Aquarium instead. Christian loved the display with the touchable stingrays and fish. The stingrays even kinda crawled up the side and flapped their wings (fins?...whatever) and splashed you. The squeals of pure and complete joy that followed from Christian were the best.

I've also included a picture of the tomatoes that ate my back yard. I really can't figure out what made them grow like this, maybe the steer manure. But its just like the old movie "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes". I think that's a real movie...

By the way, I can't claim the title line but I won't attribute it since the politcal backlash could be annoying, at best.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Best Moment

Today, I left Christian and Jack with Nat (highly recommended babysitter) while I went to Ikea with Elliot. Christian realized I was leaving and said "miss you" to me. It was the best moment of my day, maybe week, maybe year. It's that more wonderful because every word out of Christian's mouth is very nearly a miracle.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's a good thing they're cute: Wherein Christian graffitis his brother and throws the mother of all fits.

So....just thought I'd give a little update since its been, okay, a while. But for me (and I'm sure there's some nodding of heads happening here), a week is pretty good. First, a couple of days ago, I left Christian, Jack and some markers alone in the living room while I tried to unload the dishwasher. It was a recipe for disaster. Please see attached photo. What cracks me up about this is that he used every color. I mean, I was not paying attention for maybe 5 minutes. 5 minutes! I guess I should have realized something was going down because there was a masoleoum-like silence. The absolutely best, sure-fire, no-doubt indicator that trouble is afoot. But noone was screaming or crying or whining so I ignored it. That's what I get for ignoring the absolutely best, sure-fire, no-doubt indicator.

Today, we got to take Ian to the MTC. We get ready. I figure, dang, I'm good because, I was fairly certain that we would be early. Us!!! Early, for-the-love-of-Pete!!! Of course, thinking you having everything under control with a 3 year-old and an 8 month-old is the absolutley best, sure-fire, no-doubt indicator (last time, I promise) that you don't. I tell Christian he has to turn off the computer games (a new discovery for entertainment) and kinda guide his hand with the mouse to put the cursor on the X and turn it off. Apparently, this was an unbearable insult to his 3 year-old independence. What happens next was awe-inspiring (as in awful not awesome) even to me. For at least 20 minutes, Christian demands through screaming and crying that I let him turn it off. I, stupidly, figure we don't have time to bring up the internet, find the site and navigate to the game so I refuse. I threaten to leave Christian which elicits pathetics whimpers of "wonely". Finally, we get him in the car and I realize, it probably would have taken 5 minutes to just let him do it again.

Once the perfect storm was over, though, we had a very nice time taking Ian to the MTC. Spent a little time with Carylee and Fam as they were sending Brian off, as well. Ian was a good sport through it all and not until we were leaving the parking lot across from the Wilkinson Center did he mention that he was feeling a little ill. Yeah, the thought of 2 years of tracting will do that to ya. But he got off and I think he and Brian will be great missionaries.

After, we dropped Ian off we stopped at the Creamery because I had promised Christian an ice cream. Guess what? They were doing a feature on 2 news and Christian and I were on it. Our collective 15 seconds of fame included Christian stuffing his face like a caveman and me saying "We got roasted almond chocolate" with Jack in the background. Cool, huh? I have it DVR'rd for posterity. By the way, roasted almond chocolate was really good!

Friday, July 24, 2009

What was I thinking????

Well, new door is in, looks great. One tiny problem- I got a door that opens the wrong way. This is going to be a long re-model.

Long Live Star Wars

Depending on what Christian is obssesed at the time, we have all been assigned characters. For instance, we've all been a robot on Wall-E or a character on Special Agent Oso or Winnie the Pooh. Christian's most recent obssession was Star Wars (with a particular preference for The Empire Strikes Back) so we all got to be either a Imperial walker or probe droid or R2-D2. When we asked what Jack got to be, Christian started breathing funny and we realized he was saying Jack was Darth Vader. Maybe a deeper meaning there?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Well, it seems like the "thing" ( and I'm not talking the petrified mummy on the way to Willcox). It just seems like everyone has a blog so we thought "why not?". The first picture is of Christian. I had my toe and fingernails done and he was fascinated by them. A couple days later we pulled out the play dough and all of sudden he came up to me with play dough nails. I think he's on to something.
And here's Jack. That was a while ago. Now, for all intent and purposes, he's crawling. It's kinda of a weird baby push-up crawl but it gets him everywhere. It "FREAKS" me out. Everything I didn't have to worry about with Christian, I have to obsess over with Jack. Unless he's asleep, he never stops moving.
It may have been brief, but admit it, it was enjoyable!
