Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fond Hearts

You know what they say about absence...your heart has been longing for this post, right? Or maybe absence just makes you lose interest, altogether. Whatever, its been so long and so much has happened that it will take me forever to catch up. To increase the possibility of disinterest, I have no pictures handy to upload. Oh well. We're cute, have no doubt. Well, at least three of are. The other one is perpetually in baggy clothes covered with smeared food and snot all topped off with frizzy hair and I'm not talkin' about Jack here. Anyway, our kitchen is 99.9% done (pics to come). Christian started school. Christian, Jack and, I think, I had swine flu. In general, it wasn't quite the devastating experience I thought it would be. I was underwhelmed by its patheticness. I would rather have swine flu than the kind of sick where stuff is coming out of both ends (sometimes simultaneously) any day! Sorry to gross you out, but the grossed out deserve company. Thanks for joining my party! All this has one exception-the cough. It was tenacious and lasted F-O-R-E-V-E-R. I think just in the past four or five days has the coughs finally subsided. Christian got sick Halloween day. That helps you understand how long that darn cough lasted. Here's hoping I have reformed and will get better at consistently writing. Don't hold your breath, though.

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