Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Watching the Children and the Garden Grow

Ahh, the heady ambrosia of summer. I just love it! I love how Christian smells like little boy sweat every day even when he has had a bath. I love that we can all go around shoeless. I love that every day holds the prospect of adventure (rarely realized thanks to Jack, but still...). I realized that Christian's summer will be over in three weeks so I decided that at the very certain expense of a filthy home we have to enjoy the last few days of summer. The dinosaur museum was supposed to be 2 bucks today so I thought we'd try it. Well, I should have known that every other thrifty Mormon mommy had the same idea. It's Utah, sheesh! The line wound all around the building. I decided thrifty possibly bordered on stupid so we went to the Aquarium instead. Christian loved the display with the touchable stingrays and fish. The stingrays even kinda crawled up the side and flapped their wings (fins?...whatever) and splashed you. The squeals of pure and complete joy that followed from Christian were the best.

I've also included a picture of the tomatoes that ate my back yard. I really can't figure out what made them grow like this, maybe the steer manure. But its just like the old movie "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes". I think that's a real movie...

By the way, I can't claim the title line but I won't attribute it since the politcal backlash could be annoying, at best.

1 comment:

  1. What is it about baby bun cheecks that are so irresistable? You just wanna pinch 'em...is is just me?
    you have a great additude about the last three weeks of summer; mine is more survival mode!

