Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's a good thing they're cute: Wherein Christian graffitis his brother and throws the mother of all fits.

So....just thought I'd give a little update since its been, okay, a while. But for me (and I'm sure there's some nodding of heads happening here), a week is pretty good. First, a couple of days ago, I left Christian, Jack and some markers alone in the living room while I tried to unload the dishwasher. It was a recipe for disaster. Please see attached photo. What cracks me up about this is that he used every color. I mean, I was not paying attention for maybe 5 minutes. 5 minutes! I guess I should have realized something was going down because there was a masoleoum-like silence. The absolutely best, sure-fire, no-doubt indicator that trouble is afoot. But noone was screaming or crying or whining so I ignored it. That's what I get for ignoring the absolutely best, sure-fire, no-doubt indicator.

Today, we got to take Ian to the MTC. We get ready. I figure, dang, I'm good because, I was fairly certain that we would be early. Us!!! Early, for-the-love-of-Pete!!! Of course, thinking you having everything under control with a 3 year-old and an 8 month-old is the absolutley best, sure-fire, no-doubt indicator (last time, I promise) that you don't. I tell Christian he has to turn off the computer games (a new discovery for entertainment) and kinda guide his hand with the mouse to put the cursor on the X and turn it off. Apparently, this was an unbearable insult to his 3 year-old independence. What happens next was awe-inspiring (as in awful not awesome) even to me. For at least 20 minutes, Christian demands through screaming and crying that I let him turn it off. I, stupidly, figure we don't have time to bring up the internet, find the site and navigate to the game so I refuse. I threaten to leave Christian which elicits pathetics whimpers of "wonely". Finally, we get him in the car and I realize, it probably would have taken 5 minutes to just let him do it again.

Once the perfect storm was over, though, we had a very nice time taking Ian to the MTC. Spent a little time with Carylee and Fam as they were sending Brian off, as well. Ian was a good sport through it all and not until we were leaving the parking lot across from the Wilkinson Center did he mention that he was feeling a little ill. Yeah, the thought of 2 years of tracting will do that to ya. But he got off and I think he and Brian will be great missionaries.

After, we dropped Ian off we stopped at the Creamery because I had promised Christian an ice cream. Guess what? They were doing a feature on 2 news and Christian and I were on it. Our collective 15 seconds of fame included Christian stuffing his face like a caveman and me saying "We got roasted almond chocolate" with Jack in the background. Cool, huh? I have it DVR'rd for posterity. By the way, roasted almond chocolate was really good!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pix of Grandma. You never sent me her address....Sounds like an exciting week.

