Thursday, August 8, 2013

I am terrible at this! *Sigh*

I figure it is time for an update. Well, that's a gross understatement but who's counting? Heaven knows I'm not! It occurred to me today that life is so rosy that it's almost too good to be true. Maybe it was the old school country music in the background that Dennis plays when he goes to sleep (he has some sort of split personality and its either that or Enya or something like. Maybe someone can explain it to me cause I don't get it). At this moment, "All my live Exes live in Texas" is playing. It just makes me smile. But I think it was mostly how much I enjoyed taking the boys to get a shaved ice tonight. They were delicious, by the way. Christian had Pokemon flavor (banana) with tiger's blood and Jack had watermelon with tiger's blood. I had Georgia peach with liger's blood (lime and tiger's blood, it reminded me of Napoleon) with a little shot of sweet cream. It didn't look too pretty but was, no lie, yummy. It was nice to just sit and slurp with the boys and feel the summer winding down.

What a summer! Big move- Utah to Texas. We made a couple of stops along the way, a little difficult  with a cat. Poor Yoshi, he was so mad about the whole situation that he pooped on one of the hotel beds. Dennis started to lay down on it and when he realized what it was, he was up so fast I thought he was on fire. I shouldn't be, but I'm giggling a little to myself now. It's easy to laugh now but at the time staying up half the night to wash the blankets was not that funny. Anyway, back to our stops. We took a little mine tour somewhere before Durango. Christian loved it. I think Yoshi has the distinction of being the only cat to visit the UFO Museum in Roswell as it was just too hot to leave him in the car while we checked it out. I am not sure what to say about this one. It was....interesting. Then we went through a cave. It was really awesome, in the literal meaning of that word. I spent the whole time worrying about the cat but it was cool. On our way out we saw the biggest centipede we had ever seen (maybe 7 or 8 inches!) and the boys thought it was totally neat but the guide acted like it was no big deal. Christian asked me afterwards why the guide wasn't impressed as we were. I said I didn't know but in truth Mr. No Personality was our tour guide. We decided a stop at the Alamo was just necessary. We left Yoshi in the car in covered parking but it was miserably hot and humid. So we didn't stay too long. Seriously, like a huge sauna. Yoshi doesn't seem any dumber than he was before.  I kept telling Dennis that I wanted ask someone where the basement was but he wouldn't let me. I don't think he got the joke. What? You don't either? Too bad.

Summer to be continued.....

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