Monday, June 4, 2012

A Manifesto for all Mothers

This is a draft of an actual note I am going to send the doctor's office I am going to take Jack to for an eye exam.  Here goes:  In response to your note stating "As a courtesy to everyone please do not bring additional children to the office that do not have an appointment", as a courtesy to myself and statement of solidarity to every other mother of multiple children I WILL be bringing my older child to my son's appointment because I am PAYING you to do a service for me, not the other way around.  First, let me state that I recognize that not all children are well behaved all the time.  Let me also point out that not all adults are either, including parents who may not keep as close watch on their children as may seem necessary.  I am not that parent.  I will not be perusing a magazine while my children run around your waiting room/office unchecked.  Having said that, my children are children and given their limited impulse control sometimes act to be cliche, their age.  As a mother, I will do my best to make sure that this is kept to a minimum, recognizing that minimums are relative.  Your request infers that children are a nuisance.  You, as well as I, were at some time children also.  The difference should be that one has matured enough to have to patience to deal with children in any circumstance.  So, let me ask, who is the real adult?  The child who is acting as is proper for their age or the petty person who is so bothered by children they would prefer to not see them and assume they do not exist. The inability to deal with children suggests that you are one.  If the others in the waiting room cannot abide the possibility that children may be there also perhaps you should not be taking children at your practice.  If your doctors, nurses or assistants are unable to deal with the possibility of an extra child or two in the exam room, perhaps they should not be dealing with children, at all.  Children are not a nuisance, they are CHILDREN!

Now, should I send it before when the impact would be greater or after when I am certain that it will not be the day my children have acted the worst they ever have thereby proving that children are in actuality a nuisance?

Dennis, as usual, thinks I am crazy, so I may not send it at all but, man, do I want to!


  1. Wow! What kind of doctor says that? Especially in Utah. I hope you send it because I know I would want too, but then chicken out.

    I agree if they don't want extra kids, they shouldn't see kids in their practice at all.

    Go Mel!

